Sunday, 20 July 2014

Review: 314 Book 3

314 Book 3
314 Book 3 by A.R. Wise

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series had me so hooked that I read all 3 installments one after the other. It was like having a giant horror puzzle and trying to put all the pieces together, each book giving you a few of the the missing pieces but at the same time throwing more questions into the mix. Book three answers all of the questions brought up in the previous books and still has plenty of gore, horror and graphic descriptions for the horror lovers amongst us, what's not to love about that right?

The twists and turns keep you guessing and just when you think you got it worked out, bang another huge twist and turn comes out of nowhere. This is one of those tales where you find yourself thinking about it when doing other things and suddenly something comes to you and you start flicking back through the pages to see if you have made the right connections.

I will really miss the characters in these books, I have enjoyed their story so much and been so immersed in the ups, downs and horrors of their journey. I tried to read the last book slowly as I knew there was no more afterwards but I just couldn't resist picking it back up minutes later.

I'm certainly glad I found this series and I'm keen to see what other work this author has out there.

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