Friday, 17 October 2014

Review: Horns

Horns by Joe Hill

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Horns is the first book by Joe Hill that I have read. With the film being released I wanted to read the book before watching the movie, because as everyone knows the book is always better than the movie. I went into this one blind, I had seen so many friends post positive reviews that I decided I would give it a go and not read the blurb before diving in.

I enjoyed Horns, the characters were easy to like and to dislike in the case of the bad guy. The picture Hill creates of small town life, of love, loss and revenge, pulls you into the story and plays on all sorts of emotions and fears.

Horns is a tale of good verses evil that is dark, twisted and original, one that I'm sure many horror fans will enjoy.

Reviews also posted to my blog: Scarlet's Web
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