Monday, 26 January 2015

The Shadow Garden (Nightfall Gardens 2)

The Shadow Garden (Nightfall Gardens)
The Shadow Garden by Allen Houston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of The Shadow Garden in return for an honest review.

The Shadow Garden is book two in the Nightfall Trilogy. Usually I find the middle book in a trilogy doesn't quite reach the level of enjoyment that I find in the first and last books, but with this one that was not the case. I moved onto book two as soon as I finished the first one but I was pleased to see that there was plenty little reminders worked into the story, without it being too much, of what happened in book one for those who perhaps had a period of time between reading the books.

The same wonderful dark and gothic atmosphere is present in this book and I was not disappointed at all in where the story led me in this next instalment. The story was as imaginative, dark and full of wonders and horrors as the first one.

I couldn't stop to write a review as I was itching to move straight onto book three!

Reviews also posted to my blog: Scarlet's Web
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