Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Review: The Leper Window (A Daniel Gates Novella) by Frazer Lee

The Leper Window (A Daniel Gates Novella) - Frazer Lee

The Leper Window (A Daniel Gates Novella) by Frazer Lee

My Rating:

I received a free copy of The Leper Window from the publisher in return for an honest review.

At just 54 pages The Leper Window is a short and fast read. I didn't feel as drawn in as I would have liked and that's due in part to it being short and not having as much substance as I would have liked, it felt like it was part of a larger story, and also in part due to some of the wording. The wording in places put me off and I couldn't take it seriously at times. Especially when the author was referring to the MC and his "Morning warmth"

Don't get me wrong, it's worth a read and the author did a great job of creating the environment and atmosphere but I just felt like I was only skimming the surface of what is a larger and more detailed story, which I guess from the title may be the case. Perhaps if I had read more about Daniel Gates previously I would have enjoyed the context of this one more.

Reviews also posted to my blog: Scarlet's Web
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