Others & Oddities by Edward Lorn
My Rating:
I received a free copy of Others & Oddities in return for an honest review.
Others & Oddities was a great wee collection of shorts. Edward Lorn is one of my fav authors when it comes to short stories, he always manages to pack so much into them and creates the feel of a complete novel condensed down to a few pages. The stories are all very different and full of the wit, scares and characterisation that I have come to really enjoy in this authors work.
If I had to name a favourite from the collection it would have to be Just Short of Paradise. I really liked the message behind this one.
I rated each story as I read it, that way you can get a better idea of the content. No spoilers though!
1 -
No Such Thing: This is why you shouldn't mess with mother nature! -
4 stars.
Now I've Seen Everything: Lol this guy shoulda been named Walley. -
3 stars.
3 -
Cinder Block: Love hurts in more ways than one. -
3 stars.
4 -
Blah-Doop: That's one well trained man, flushing even after all that lol. -
4 stars.
5 -
The Morning Dew: I enjoyed this one but I wasn't a fan of the latter part. -
2.5 stars.
6 -
The Red Door Market Street: Loved this, was very clever and thought provoking. -
5 stars.
7 -
Full Moon Over Cedar Hill: I had read this previously and it actually made my favourites of 2014 shelf. Very good werewolf story! -
5 stars.
8 -
Got Your Goat: My gran bred goats on her farm so I can assure you that yes, goats will eat almost anything. -
3 stars.
9 -
The Scare Rows: I have read this one previously and it's one of my favourite shorts by this author. It tickles my sense of humour for personal reasons. -
5 stars.
10 -
On The Rails: This ones too short really to say anything without giving something away. -
3 stars.
11 -
Trailer: I really liked the cold atmosphere of this one and how you're thrown immediately into the deep end. -
4 stars.
12 -
Just Short of Paradise: I love the message behind this one. Totally fitting with all the judging and hate that's going around right now on certain topics. -
5 stars.
13 -
What Comes Around Goes Around: That was horrible to read, granted the ending was great and totally made it worth it, but the sbuject matter is heartbreaking. -
5 stars.
14 -
Crawl: That's gotta hurt -
4 stars.
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