Moon Bayou by J.R. Rain, Rod Kierkegaard Jr
My Rating:
I received a free copy of Moon Bayou from the publisher in return for an honest review.
Having previously read many of the Vampire for Hire series I was looking forwards to reading more about Samantha Moon in Moon Bayou. Moon Bayou looks to be a spin off series from the Vampire for Hire books and I have to say that picking up Moon Bayou without having read the Vampire for Hire ones, especially as it references many of the stories/characters from the series, could get it bit confusing.
I found this to be a quick and easy read but there was nothing about it that stood out for me. The characters felt a little shallow and unintimidating, especially considering they are vampires, werewolves, voodoo practitioners etc. There was also parts of the story that felt rather repetitive. One example being Samantha's rings... I know she has the rings and I get what they do but the author felt the need to keep reminding me of this fact way too often, so often that it actually started to irritate me.
I'm not a fan of cliffhangers, though if done right I can overlook them. Moon Bayou however ended way too soon. The ending felt abrupt, it left me feeling like I only had half the book and the second half had somehow not been downloaded. Instead of rounding the story off and leaving an avenue open for more to come, it just stops mid story. It feels like I'm being forced to have to get the next book in order to just finish this one and if I am honest that just makes me not want to read more.
Reviews also posted to my blog: Scarlet's Web
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