Friday, 2 June 2017

Review: The Wicked by James Newman

The Wicked by James Newman

My Rating:

 I received a free copy of The Wicked via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

Well, that was a lot of fun. The Wicked is everything that I loved about the good old fashion trashy horror novels of the 80's. It's a bit of a car crash. It's cheesy, it's gruesome, it's fast paced, it's your stereotypical good vs evil horror, but that's why it's so good. It's a roller-coaster ride that blasts through the doors of every ghost train and haunted house in the park without allowing you to catch your breath in between. There's no fancy prose, no heavy wordy detail, no pages and pages of world building or character building. It's straight up horror, no bells or whistles and I had a blast reading it.

Definitely one I would recommend.

Reviews also posted to my blog: Scarlet's Web
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