Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Review: The Rats of Midnight by Sean Munger

The Rats of Midnight - Sean Munger

The Rats of Midnight by Sean Munger

My Rating:

I received a free copy of The Rats of Midnight from the publisher in return for an honest review.

The Rats of Midnight was quite a slow burner for me initially. The author invested a lot in character development at the start and as a result it dragged a little, it wasn't going anywhere or moving fast enough to grab my attention and have me wanting more at this point. Things did start to pick up however once the initial character introduction was done and the pacing was much better.

I find myself a bit conflicted when rating this one. I enjoyed the premise and particularly enjoyed the cult side of the story but the legal side of things spoiled it for me. There was a lack of consistency, it jumped from a creepy and dark atmosphere to law office scenes where it felt more like a legal thriller, which I found distracting enough to pull me out of the story.

All in all The Rats of Midnight was a decent read and worth picking up but personally I would have liked to have read more horror and less of the legal aspects.

Reviews also posted to my blog: Scarlet's Web
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